

About Us

Who We Are

Dry Master is a company that provides several types of restoration services. We specialize in water damage repair, storm damage repair, water and mold damage restoration, as well as other reconstruction and repair services. If your home or business is experiencing unexpected damage and needs emergency water damage or mold mitigation services in Bethlehem, Allentown, Easton , Whitehall and Northampton. Call us today for a free quote on your damage.

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A Few Words About

Our Team

We always hire experts in our company. Each person in our team is an expert in their specialty. We have a separate team of mold damage restoration experts and another team to provide water damage restoration services.

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Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

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Jessica Pearson


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Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

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Luise Litt

Lead Developer

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Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

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Mike Ross

Intern Designer

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Worldwide Shipping

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Best Quality

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Best Offers

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Secure Payments

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